»Potremo saldare il nostro debito con il passato solo se riusciremo ad
essere creditori del futuro.«

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Archivistica - Archivism - Arhivistika

Call for Papers
for a 2012 Special Issue of Archivaria
“Arrangement and Description of Archives”

This issue aims to address questions about the theory, methods, and practices employed in arrangement and description of archives. Do traditional concepts, methods, and practices of arrangement and description need to be adapted for digital holdings? How successful have we been in communicating information about holdings through the Internet? How might developments in information oriented disciplines be adapted to arrangement and description of archives? How might constructivist thinking about archives influence the profession’s understanding of arrangement and description? How well have standards served us? What can we learn from study of past practices of arrangement and description? To stimulate discussion of these and other questions, Archivaria 74 (Fall 2012) will be devoted to consideration of the current and past state of theory and practice and future possibilities pertaining to these critical archival functions. Terry Eastwood will serve as guest editor of this special issue.

Deadline for expressions of interest:
Expression of interest consisting of an abstract of the proposed article (300-500 words) must be received by the guest editor by 15 May 2011.

Please feel free to direct questions related to this special issue to the Guest Editor: Terry Eastwood at eastwood@interchange.ubc.ca or 604-274-6879.

Submission guidelines:
Final submissions should follow the “Advice to Authors of Submissions to Archivaria” at http://archivists.ca/content/advice-authors-submissions-archivaria

Deadline for complete manuscripts:
Complete manuscripts are due 1 December 2011.