»Potremo saldare il nostro debito con il passato solo se riusciremo ad
essere creditori del futuro.«

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

21 apr 2011

InForum 2011: Communicate : Collaborate : Innovate 11-14 September 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Northern Territory, Australia

InForum 2011: Communicate : Collaborate : Innovate

11-14 September 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Northern Territory,

Hosted by Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIM
Professionals Australasia) the theme for inForum 2011 “Communicate :
Collaborate : Innovate” is about working together to innovate in the face of
constant pressure to build knowledge, develop methods, learn new
technologies and justify an organisation’s needs. What are we doing already?
What are we, or should we be, doing differently to move forward for
tomorrow’s challenges?

inForum 2011 is all about how the information sector is, or should be,
working together and innovating for the future. External pressures will not
go away, but neither will we:  innovation, communication and collaboration
are the keys to success.

The multiple stream program is complemented by special interest group
meetings, networking opportunities, an optional breakfast session on leading
cross-generational teams, optional workshops, social events and a Trade
Exhibition featuring leading industry providers of relevant software,
products, storage, education, careers, training, consultancy, preservation
and recovery, safety equipment and legislative and advisory bodies. Many of
the leading industry consultants and vendors will be available to you to
consider and lobby for improvements in your own processes, systems or

inForum 2011 provides an avenue to share the same challenges and concerns in
the records and information management profession by networking with others
from across the globe. The Convention program promises to be challenging and
diverse and will feature Australian, New Zealand and international speakers
including Australia’s new Information Commissioner, Professor John McMillan,
Australian Computer Society President Anthony Wong, Yadi Sumrahyadi,
Director of Accreditation and Records Management Profession, Arsip Nasional,
Indonesia and Shadrack Katuu from University of South Africa discussing the
management of public health records. Steve Bailey from the United Kingdom
will be joining the convention via video streaming. Kim Sadler, also from
the United Kingdom will be discussing the electronic integration of forensic
evidence and Brooke Wooldridge from Digital Library of the Caribbean, USA
will explore new partnerships that emerged in the effort to re-establish
community identify and memory after the Haitian earthquake, a topic that
continues to touch us all.  H. Larry Eiring CRM, FAI, a former President of
ICA Section on Archival Education and Training will explore the world of
digital natives and the ICA-Req project will examine how global functional
requirements can be applied at a local level.

>From educational tracks to tutorials to showcases, and more, this convention
offers expert-led practical information you will put to immediate use as
soon as you return to work. inForum 2011 for also the venue to engage with
other information and records management professionals to make contacts with
new acquaintances and forge invaluable professional alliances.

To view or download the registration program or the topic abstracts and
speaker biographies, or just to find out more about the convention go to the
inForum website at: www.inforum.net.au

Best wishes and hope to see you there.


Dr Marian Hoy MRIM
Professional Development & Education Officer
RIM Professionals Australasia

Phone:  + 61 (0) 419 213 843

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