»Potremo saldare il nostro debito con il passato solo se riusciremo ad
essere creditori del futuro.«

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

28 apr 2011

Festival of Fundraising

The objectives of the Festival

> Create the largest Italian network of fundraisers, practitioners and professionals in the nonprofit fundraising.
> Promoting a culture of ethical fundraising.
> To promote the sustainability of the nonprofit world as a problem to be addressed in terms of organizational, strategic and financial.
> To become the main meeting place in Italy where profit and nonprofit organizations come together to refine tools, solutions and services for a fundraising more effectively and efficiently.

Dedicated to those who

Per chi
The Festival is directed (siano essi retribuiti o volontari ). all operators of the nonprofit and fundraising (whether paid or volunteer). It is therefore of interest to:
  • fundraiser professionals (paid or volunteer)
  • fundraising professionals (paid or volunteer)
  • consultants and consulting firms on fundraising, nonprofit marketing and communications
  • Operators of the nonprofit
  • Marketing executives of companies profit
  • service providers and products for nonprofit
  • professionals
  • marketing and communication professionals
il nonprofit. The main target of the festival are so people working in the nonprofit and for-profit.
The Festival is open to all professionals in the nonprofit and fundraising, but also people you want to deal with development, communication, marketing, advocacy, within or outside the nonprofit organizations and public bodies.
The festival may also be useful for workers in the world of nonprofit and public entities, nonprofit professionals and employees or executives of public companies in the world who want to profit possess expertise regarding fundraising (press office staff, relations with the nonprofit, ethic officer, office coroporate social responsibility).
The Festival is also the place to give more powers to the directors and heads of communications and marketing, responsible for external communication of profit and nonprofit organizations, responsible for pubbici relations for the nonprofit world and profit (area nonprofit).
Considering the needs of the sector in Italy, this choice is justified by a number of reasons:
1. "... All people working in the nonprofit sector ..."
In Italy the culture of fundraising is still at an embryonic level. The vast majority of nonprofit organizations do not yet know what it is and if they do fundraising, they do it impromptu, unorganized, not respecting that principle of economic and financial sustainability required for their survival.
A festival is open not only to professionals but to all those working in the nonprofit is helping to spread in Italy last two principles: first that the fundraising is an integral part of the life of a nonprofit organization, the second that the fundraising is not exclusive affair of the fundraiser, but the entire organization.
2. "... All people working in the nonprofit sector ..."
The fundraiser is not a solitary practitioner, but an agent of change that involves and motivates the entire organization, made up of volunteers, advisors, directors, who believe in the mission of the organization activates their own personal contacts and engage in person to the its growth. Go to a different audience means to contribute to this change.
3. "... All people working in the nonprofit sector ..."
The Festival is a concrete opportunity to form a real network, laying the foundations for an attitude of sharing good practice in Italy does not yet exist. The desire to create a network account is justified by a very simple network to help grow the entire industry.
4. "... And for the nonprofit."
The relationship between profit and nonprofit world is bidirectional. The nonprofit world is by its very essence, an interpreter of the changes occurring in society. Here then is an opportunity, a reliable profit as innovation in the world with its markets. But this report does not remain a mere marriage of interests, becoming an area of ​​promoting social responsibility.
5. "... And for the nonprofit."
The growth of the nonprofit world is accompanied by a growing demand for professional services and products, hence the great interest that with the passage of time, the profit world has begun to entertain towards him. The festival may well become a place to compare the range of products and services for the nonprofit with the needs of operators who work and believe in this area.

More on the Website: http://www.festivaldelfundraising.it

21 apr 2011

Illegal Trade of Works of Art

Speaking of trade in works of art, the various countries can be regarded as importers, exporters, countries in transition, and so on. The distinction most commonly see on the one hand the supporters of free market countries and other countries, where trade and export are limited and where  a special permit is required for exportation.

At the international level have been approved a number of documents with the intent to prevent the illegal traffic of works of art. Among these surely plays the major role  the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the means to prevent and prohibit the import, export and illegal transfer of cultural goods.

International Protection of Cultural Heritage

The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has approved, at its twelfth session, 23 November 1972 in Paris, the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.
The preamble of the Convention states that damage or loss of any specimen of cultural heritage determines the impoverishment of the heritage of all peoples of the world. In addition, parts of the cultural heritage are so important that they should be protected as part of the common heritage of all humanity. The international documents adopted in this field, yet according to the preamble, are evidence of how the conservation of cultural heritage is important to all peoples of the world, regardless of their membership.
The  introduction to the Convention clearly interprets the cultural idea of ​​internationalism, making a distinction between the ’material’ property of individual cultural heritage and the ‘spiritual’ belonging. The common heritage of mankind is the witness of the past of a community and the community of man extends to the whole planet.
The basic peculiarity of humanity’s heritage is its universality. The importance of individual property therefore transcends national borders. Among other things, the common heritage of mankind includes Antarctica, space, the stars of heaven, the sea floor and in more recent times also the genetic heritage and natural environment, the ozone layer, etc.. What ‘s just been listed as such, has in common with the heritage of humanity the fact to find its full expression only when the target is a common use of the whole world community, free of any-national logic .
If possible, on a theoretical plane, to equate the world’s cultural heritage with the Moon, for example, you can not do it on a legal level.  A. Kiss for this reason distinguishes between the ‘authentic’ and ‘non-authentic’ heritage of humanity  . The authentic heritage is common to all by its very nature, while ‘non-authentic’ heritage can not be exempted from national jurisdiction and is always possible to identify the owner. The most appropriate example for the ‘non-authentic’ heritage is in fact the world’s cultural heritage.

InForum 2011: Communicate : Collaborate : Innovate 11-14 September 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Northern Territory, Australia

InForum 2011: Communicate : Collaborate : Innovate

11-14 September 2011, Darwin Convention Centre, Darwin Northern Territory,

Hosted by Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIM
Professionals Australasia) the theme for inForum 2011 “Communicate :
Collaborate : Innovate” is about working together to innovate in the face of
constant pressure to build knowledge, develop methods, learn new
technologies and justify an organisation’s needs. What are we doing already?
What are we, or should we be, doing differently to move forward for
tomorrow’s challenges?

inForum 2011 is all about how the information sector is, or should be,
working together and innovating for the future. External pressures will not
go away, but neither will we:  innovation, communication and collaboration
are the keys to success.

The multiple stream program is complemented by special interest group
meetings, networking opportunities, an optional breakfast session on leading
cross-generational teams, optional workshops, social events and a Trade
Exhibition featuring leading industry providers of relevant software,
products, storage, education, careers, training, consultancy, preservation
and recovery, safety equipment and legislative and advisory bodies. Many of
the leading industry consultants and vendors will be available to you to
consider and lobby for improvements in your own processes, systems or

inForum 2011 provides an avenue to share the same challenges and concerns in
the records and information management profession by networking with others
from across the globe. The Convention program promises to be challenging and
diverse and will feature Australian, New Zealand and international speakers
including Australia’s new Information Commissioner, Professor John McMillan,
Australian Computer Society President Anthony Wong, Yadi Sumrahyadi,
Director of Accreditation and Records Management Profession, Arsip Nasional,
Indonesia and Shadrack Katuu from University of South Africa discussing the
management of public health records. Steve Bailey from the United Kingdom
will be joining the convention via video streaming. Kim Sadler, also from
the United Kingdom will be discussing the electronic integration of forensic
evidence and Brooke Wooldridge from Digital Library of the Caribbean, USA
will explore new partnerships that emerged in the effort to re-establish
community identify and memory after the Haitian earthquake, a topic that
continues to touch us all.  H. Larry Eiring CRM, FAI, a former President of
ICA Section on Archival Education and Training will explore the world of
digital natives and the ICA-Req project will examine how global functional
requirements can be applied at a local level.

>From educational tracks to tutorials to showcases, and more, this convention
offers expert-led practical information you will put to immediate use as
soon as you return to work. inForum 2011 for also the venue to engage with
other information and records management professionals to make contacts with
new acquaintances and forge invaluable professional alliances.

To view or download the registration program or the topic abstracts and
speaker biographies, or just to find out more about the convention go to the
inForum website at: www.inforum.net.au

Best wishes and hope to see you there.


Dr Marian Hoy MRIM
Professional Development & Education Officer
RIM Professionals Australasia

Phone:  + 61 (0) 419 213 843

The Law of Unintended Consequences: The Right to be Forgotten, the Duty to Remember

The Association of Canadian Archivists ­ University of British Columbia
Student Chapter (ACA@UBC) is pleased to announce that the presentations of
our 3rd Annual International Symposium are freely available on the event web

This year’s theme “The Law of Unintended Consequences: The Right to be
Forgotten, the Duty to Remember” proved to be relevant also in addressing
current issues on privacy, ethics, security, etc.

To download the presentations visit:

We thank our Symposium speakers for having graciously agreed to share their
presentations beyond the intended audience, with you all. We look forward to
see you at next year’s symposium.

* *



Dr. Luciana Duranti
Chair and Professor, Archival Studies
Director, The InterPARES Project www.interpares.org
Director, Digital Records Forensics Project www.digitalrecordsforensics.org
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS) www.slais.ubc.ca
The University of British Columbia
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Suite 470, 1961 East Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia  V6T 1Z1 CANADA
Tel: 604.822.2587
Fax: 604.822.6006

12 apr 2011

Annual Student Writing Competition in Cultural Heritage Preservation Law

The Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation is pleased to announce its 2011 Student Writing Competition in Cultural Heritage Law.  The first place winner will receive a prize of $1000, while the second place winner will receive $500. The winning papers may also be offered publication in the Journal of Cultural Heritage Law.
The deadline for 2011 submissions is 10 June 2011

Competition Details on the webpage: http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/competition

11 apr 2011

Progetto strategico per la conoscenza e la fruibilità del patrimonio culturale condiviso

Programma per la cooperazione transfrontaliera Italia – Slovenia 2007–2013

Si intitola TERZA PARTE. Tra liturgie di violenza e liturgie di pace: mediatori, arbitri, pacieri e giudici (Repubblica di Venezia e Alto Adriatico in età medievale e moderna), il convegno internazionale (nell’ambito del progetto Shared Culture - Progetto strategico per la conoscenza e la fruibilità del patrimonio culturale condiviso /Programma per la cooperazione transfrontaliera Italia – Slovenia 2007–2013), che sarà ospitato nella sala Tramontana della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici di Capodistria, organizzato da giovedì 14 a sabato 16 aprile 2011 dal Centro di Ricerche Scientifiche dell’ Università del Litorale in collaborazione con l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia e la Società Storica del Litorale.

Il convegno è strutturato intorno al concetto di 'terza parte', intesa come protagonista delle prassi di mediazione, arbitrato e conciliazione, intervenuta in forme e modalità diverse nel corso della storia, tutt'oggi segmento importante nella risoluzione dei conflitti. L'incontro scientifico sarà un'occasione per osservare i diversi aspetti attraverso cui si manifesta la terza parte, la cui nomina il più delle volte presuppone un conflitto latente o già in atto all'interno di una comunità o società. La terza parte è quindi incaricata, in presenza di un conflitto, di sedare gli attriti e di eliminarli. Da una prospettiva storico-culturale, la conoscenza del ruolo giocato da questi intermediari e delle tecniche di conciliazione a cui essi ricorrono per risolvere i conflitti sociali assume un significato straordinario.
L'evento vedrà la partecipazione di autorevoli esperti sloveni e stranieri provenienti da Italia, Croazia, Francia, Inghilterra, USA,... che si confronteranno sulle procedure e le prassi di mediazione, arbitrato e conciliazione utilizzate nei diversi periodi e contesti storici, con particolare attenzione alle regioni dell'Adriatico, e della più vasta area mediterranea, tra VIII e XX secolo.

Le relazioni si concentreranno attorno ai seguenti nuclei tematici:

Rappresentazioni della terza parte (letteratura, iconografia, propaganda)
Gruppi sociali e istituzioni come terza parte
La terza parte: i mediatori individuali
Procedure, tecniche, rituali
Le decisioni (criteri, motivazioni, giustificazioni)

Si allega il programma della manifestazione.

Gli organizzatori

Shared Culture – Strateški projekt za poznavanje in dostopnost skupne kulturne dediščine

Program čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija - Italija 2007–2013


V okviru projekta Shared Culture (Strateški projekt za poznavanje in dostopnost skupne kulturne dediščine/ Program čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija - Italija 2007–2013) Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Univerze na Primorskem v soorganizaciji z Univerzo Ca' Foscari iz Benetk in Zgodovinskim društvom za južno Primorsko organizira mednarodni znanstveni sestanek z naslovom TRETJA STRANKA. Med nasiljem in mirom: posredniki, razsodniki, miritelji, sodniki (Beneška republika in zgornji Jadran v srednjem in novem veku), ki bo potekal od četrtka, 14. do sobote, 16. aprila 2011 na Fakulteti za humanistične študije v Kopru (predavalnica Tramontana). 

Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek je zasnovan okrog koncepta 'tretje strani' kot akterja v mediatorskih, posredovalnih in pomiritvenih praksah, ki v različnih oblikah in na različne načine nastopajo skozi zgodovino, obenem pa tudi v sodobnem svetu še vedno predstavljajo pomemben segment reševanja konfliktov. Predmet znanstvenega sestanka je torej opazovanje različnih vidikov pojavljanja tretje stranke, katere imenovanje največkrat predpostavlja prikrit ali že obstoječ konflikt znotraj neke skupnosti oziroma družbe. Tretja stranka je tako poverjena, da obvladuje trenja ali jih odpravi, če povzročajo pravi spor. Poznavanje vloge, ki jo igrajo, ter spravitvenih načinov, ki se jih pri razreševanju družbenih konfliktov poslužujejo, je nedvomno izjemnega pomena tudi s kulturno-zgodovinskega vidika. Znanstveni sestanek, na katerem bodo sodelovali priznani strokovnjaki iz Slovenije in drugih držav (Italije, Hrvaške, Francije, Velike Britanije, ZDA,…) bo prispeval k osvetlitvi mediatorskih, posredovalnih in pomiritvenih procedur in praks v različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih in kontekstih (od 8. pa vse do do 20. stoletja, s posebnim ozirom na Jadran oziroma na širše območje Mediterana).

Udeleženci sestanka bodo o tej temi razpravljali v okviru naslednjih vsebinskih sklopov:

Reprezentacije tretje stranke (literatura, ikonografija, propaganda)
Družbene skupine in institucije kot tretja stranka
Individualni mediatorji kot tretja stranka
Postopki, tehnike, rituali pri posredovanjih tretje stranke
Tretja stranka in kriteriji odločitve (merila, utemeljitve, upravičenost)

V prilogi vam posredujemo tudi program znanstvenega sestanka.


8 apr 2011

The Italian Lyric Opera as Part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

In this context, we would like to point the spotlight on the Lyric Opera and the immense cultural baggage it brings. We can say with absolute firmness that Italy is the country that invented the Opera. This art form was born in the sixteenth century, and it can give credit to the disclosure of Italian language in the world. There are no doubts about the prestige of Italian Opera. At the same time we are witnessing lately to an attempt to rejuvenate the  casts   and consequently the audience. 

4 apr 2011

Call for Applications - Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions for Long-Term Problems

Call for Applications
We are very pleased that our colleagues at the University at Albany, SUNY will host the five-day
Digital Preservation Management workshop this June in Albany, New York.  Application Form available on April 13, 2011 at 1:00pm ET at

Digital Preservation Management: Short-Term Solutions for Long-Term Problems
Location:  Albany, New York, USA
Dates:  June 5 – 10, 2011
Tuition:  USD $ 950.00

 Who Should Attend?
The intended audience for the workshop series is managers at organizations of all kinds who are or will be responsible for managing digital content over time. The workshop begins on Sunday evening with an opening session, continues Monday -Thursday 9am - 5pm, and concludes on Friday at noon. 
Additional information about the workshop content and instructors is available at:

Instructors and Keynote Speaker
Nancy McGovern is the lead instructor for the workshop and will be joined by three topical instructors.  The Keynote speaker for the Albany June 2011 workshop is Theresa Pardo, the Center Director of the Center for Technology in Government.

Application for Registration
Workshop applications are reviewed before a formal acceptance and registration for the workshop may occur – a two-step process.  The application system will be available at 1pm ET on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 and will remain open until the workshop is full (24 participants).  We have already had a very high level of interest in the workshop and encourage early application. Apply online at: http://

Please Note: Applicants will be notified within five (5) business days if they are accepted to register for the June Albany, NY workshop. Until then, all applicant status will be ‘pending’.  Persons accepted to register will be able to do so at the beginning of May when the registration and tuition payment system will be made available.

About the Workshop
The Digital Preservation Management Workshops, a series presented since 2003, incorporate community standards and exemplars of good practice to provide practical guidance for developing effective digital preservation programs. The workshops were initially developed at Cornell University beginning in 2003 under the direction of Anne Kenney and Nancy McGovern.  Since 2006, McGovern has continued curricular development and directing the workshop from ICPSR at the University of Michigan. This has included development of Special Topic advanced workshops and a Train-the-Trainer program.  Through 2010, the workshop series was developed with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. 
 If you have questions, please contact us at: digital-preservation @ icpsr.umich.edu 
Nancy Y McGovern
Director, Digital Preservation Management workshops

LIFE- GIornate FAI di Primavera

Le Giornate FAI di Primavera presentata al programma LIFE andato in onda venerdì 25 marzo.

The FAI Spring Days presented in the TV-show LIFE aired Friday, March 25.

Dnevi pomladi FAI predstavljeni v LIFE sporedu petek, 25. mar.

XIII Settimana della Cultura - 9/17 aprile 2011

L’evento culturale piu’ atteso dell’anno: la XIII Settimana della Cultura.
Il MiBAC apre gratuitamente, per nove giorni, tutti i luoghi statali dell’arte: monumenti, musei, aree archeologiche, archivi, biblioteche con dei grandi eventi diffusi su tutto il territorio.

Appuntamenti per tutti i gusti: mostre, convegni, aperture straordinarie, laboratori didattici, visite guidate e concerti che renderanno ancora più speciale l’esperienza di tutti i visitatori.
Un’occasione imperdibile per avvicinarsi alla più grande ricchezza del nostro Paese: il nostro patrimonio artistico e culturale.

Quest’anno partecipano alla Settimana della Cultura il FAI, Fondo Ambiente Italiano, offrendo l’ingresso gratuito mercoledì 13 aprile al Castello di Masino a Caravino (To), alla Villa e Collezione Panza (Varese), all’Abbazia di San Fruttuoso a Camogli (Ge), al Parco di Villa Gregoriana a Tivoli (Rm) e al Giardino della Kolymberta (Ag) e Legambiente con due eventi: sabato 9 aprile Visita guidata nell’area paesaggistico - archeologica di Tuvixeddu, promosso da Legambiente Sardegna, e sabato 16 aprile Viaggio in treno Cagliari – Isili nell’ambito del progetto: “Il treno: laboratorio itinerante di mobilità sostenibile e valorizzazione del paesaggio e dell’ambiente della Sardegna”, quale rievocazione del viaggio inaugurale della tratta ferroviaria avvenuta nel 1888, promosso da Legambiente Sardegna, Comune di Isili e Arst-FdS.

WEB: http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/MibacUnif/Eventi/visualizza_asset.html_1672836224.html

2 apr 2011

Varstveni režim kulturne dediščine Slovenije - eVRD

Na spletni strani Ministrstva za kulturo lahko najdete program eVRD, kjer dobite vse informacije o varstvenih centrih kulturne dediščine v Republiki Sloveniji.
